The Pioneer ML 3000 Commercial Lift

Made in Australia
Designed for commercial use disabled access
AS1735.16 compliant BCA 3.6 and 3.3
Automatic operation
Single or dual entry
Travel up to 4m (FFL to FFL)
Speed 0.15m/s
Pit depth requirement only 100mm
Overhead requirement: Shaft 2350mm, extra space required for hydraulic rams
Single phase 16A supply
The ML 3000 is custom built, driven by two direct acting oil hydraulic cylinders
The ML 3000 is perfect for applications where disability access is necessary with budgetary restraints
Self supporting structure able to be clad directly
Optional automation of swing doors
The Mariner 16 Commercial Lift

Made in Australia
Designed for commercial use disabled access, multi level
AS1735.16 compliant BCA 3.6 and 3.3
Automatic operation
Single or dual entry
Travel up to 7.15m (FFL to FFL)
Speed 0.19m/s
Pit depth requirement only 100mm
Overhead requirement 2300mm
Single phase 16A supply
Chain suspended 2:1 ratio hydraulic
Self supporting structure able to be clad directly
Optional automation of swing doors
Short lead times and quick to install

The Orion C350 Commercial Lift

Made in Australia
Designed for commercial use disabled access, multi level
AS1735.16 compliant BCA 3.6 and 3.3
Automatic operation with automatic sliding doors
Doors 2 panel sliding left or right 900 x 2000mm
Single or dual entry
Travel up to 7.15m (FFL to FFL)
Speed 0.19m/s
Pit depth requirement only 150mm
Overhead requirement only 2350mm
Single phase 32A supply
Chain suspended 2:1 ratio hydraulic
Self supporting structure able to be clad directly if selected
Short lead times and quick to install

The Easy Lift and The Happy Lift
Commercial grade lifts for general and disabled use, multi level
Hydraulic or gearless traction drive
Carrying capacity from 250 kg to 1500 kg
AS 1735.16 compliant BCA 3.6 and 3.3
AS 1735.1 or AS 1735.2 compliant part 12
Configured to client requirements
Short assembly time in all types of buildings
Concrete shaft or self supporting structures
High quality components, high performance over time
Made in EU

Vertical Platform Lifts
Carrying capacity up to 400kg
Platform size up to 1100mm x 1400mm
Rise from 0.6m to 1.8m
Control cabinet within the lift guide shroud
Belt drive
Internal or external use
240V 20A supply requirement
Built to comply with AS1735.14 and BCA 3.6
Requires concrete base and solidly built deck edge
Competitive pricing